Clinics We Offer



Carolyn Bragg is the designated midwife for Claughton Medical Centre and can be contacted via the community midwives office on 604-7682 or directly on her work mobile number 07710464469.

She runs antenatal clinics at Claughton on a Wednesday and a Friday afternoon from 1pm. You can make appointments by ringing the number above for the office.

Antenatal classes are held at your local Children’s Centre, partners welcome. Ask me for details when you see me.

As soon as you realise you are pregnant, please contact the surgery to make an appointment with your GP so that they can refer you for your antenatal care.


Child Health

Baby Clinic

We provide a development programme and health checks for all children under the age of five. The doctors carry out the babies 6 week check, this is done on a Wednesday morning from 11.30am. We also have a baby clinic held on a Thursday between 2.00 - 4.00pm with the Health Visiting team where you can have your baby weighed and get any advice from a health visitor.

Child Immunisations

We recommend that all babies and children are fully immunised, we have a clinic on a Wednesday morning 9.15 - 12.30pm held by our highly skilled Practice Nurses. If you have any worries or questions about vaccinations please discuss with the doctor or health visitor.

For more information about vaccinations please visit childhood vaccinations.


Coronary Heart Disease Clinic (CHD)

Heart disease is a leading cause of death and illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Our nurses have undergone extensive training in the care of heart disease and other associated conditions. Appointments are available Monday to Friday with any of our practice nurse team.

The practice runs well established review clinics for patients who have already got heart disease and also for those who are likely to be at higher risk of developing this problem in the future. Screening clinics for patients over the age of fifty with no known or related problems are planned to be introduced during 2009.


Diabetic Clinic

Our Practice Nurses are fully trained in Diabetic care and carry out regular diabetic reviews and give help and advice on a daily basis. The clinical lead in the practice is Dr Fiona Cox and the clinical nurse lead is Sister Paula Dewhirst.

Useful help and advice can be found on the "Diabetes UK" website.


Flu Vaccinations

The flu vaccine reduces your chances of catching flu. The government recommend that those at higher risk of severe illness are vaccinated, higher risked patients include: 

Chronic Lung Disease, Chronic Heart Disease, Asthma, TIA/Stroke, Diabetics, Chronic renal disease, Weak Immune System and patients Aged 65 and over. Vaccinations will take place October / November. Housebound patients who require flu vaccinations should contact the surgery and we will arrange for a home visit from one of our Nurses. 

The influenza vaccine can not give you flu (it is a dead vaccine), but nor will it prevent other coughs and colds. If you are in the target group but still do not wish to be vaccinated please contact the surgery to let us know and so that we can input this into your computer records.


GUM Clinic (Genito-Urinary Medicine)

For the first time ever you can drop into see a GUM nurse during the early evening, on Saturdays and at locations away from Arrowe Park Hospital. Many of these sites are in or around Birkenhead.

You do not need an appointment and you can discuss a range of issues in complete confidence.

This service is not sighted at Claughton.

Click here for the link to more information.



We have two highly trained counsellors that attend the Practice on a Tuesday and Thursday. The counsellors are here to help with psychological, emotional or relationship problems. If you feel that this service may be appropriate to you please consult one of the doctors.

The counselling services provided at Claughton are commissioned through "Inclusion Matters"

More specialised counselling services for particular problems such as eating disorders, adolescent problems, alcohol and drug related problems are provided elsewhere but need a referral after consultation from the doctor. Please see below links that may be of help: 


Coil Fitting & Removal

Brighter Birkenhead PCN are working together to offer Coil & Implant fitting and removals at the following sites. St Caherines Surgery, Paxon Medical Group, Devaney Medical Group, Riverside Surgery, Whetstone Lane Surgery - Please speak to a receptionist to book in